Donations (including legal stuff) — Anyone* in BC can donate and we urge residents of other communities to support the Civix Platform and the Civix advocacy for semi-direct democracy
Fun Donate - fill the shopping cart, stay here
We are using an E-commerce site because it is low cost and we are able to manage the process easily and make it a bit more fun. We can also use donations for you to vote on a specific platform by how much you donate.
This is a normal E-commerce site:
fill the shopping cart with donation cards whenever you see them on the site
when you are ready to check out, click on the shopping cart in the upper right corner (on the right of the navigation bar)
follow the check out steps
Thank you and enjoy.
(Calories not included)
Thank you for supporting Civix.
You can increase your donation by increasing the quantity you add to the cart; for example, quantity of 3 would equal a $300 donation
Legal Stuff: BC has very strict rules about donations.
We can only accept donations from individuals, not organizations, companies or societies;
the maximum individual donor contribution is $1,200 per calendar year;
donor must be a BC Resident; and
donor must be a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident
donor must provide residential address
Donations are an essential resource necessary to fund election campaigns and to support candidates who give their time and expertise. Thank you for donating.
*Legal stuff: who can donate and how much?: In BC, the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act. stipulates that only individuals (not organizations, companies or similar) who are BC residents and (a Canadian citizen or permanent resident) can donate up to about $1,200 per calendar year to Civix. Please donate generously and keep in mind how much you pay in property taxes.
Donating to Civix is good value.
*Legal stuff: Civix needs your address. : BC law also requires Civix to collect the full name and residential address of every donor.
This is why we pretend to “ship” every donation because the software can collect your name and address for every donation made so that we can comply with BC Law. Using this software allows our volunteers to spend more time helping candidates.