community ....
CiviX harvests wisdom from our community ....
CiviX | West Van |
Mission: CiviX advocates for secure electronic eVoting by #westvan residents on significant community decisions thereby assuring equality and fairness for all residents
www.CivixWestVan.ca is a volunteer run society dedicated to preserving and enhancing the quality of life in our community by applying semi-direct democratic principals to civic issues.
At CiviX - We Listen Loudly to #westvan residents
CiviX is for secure electronic eVoting by #WestVan residents on significant community decisions assuring equality and fairness for all residents. And requiring Council to vote with the majority of residents.
When residents eVote on significant community decisions (and Council abides by the eVote) it contributes to:
fairness, equality, and the transparent and democratic governance of WestVan;
and helps to build a strong community that is engaged, participatory and inclusive.
Significant community decisions may include parts of the annual budget like property tax and utility rates, large capital expenditures (such as a new Arts & Culture facility). And could include significant spot zoning requests or changes to the Official Community Plan (such as Baptist Housing’s proposal for Inglewood or rezoning Cypress Village for higher density that would add 7,000 new residents to WestVan).
CiviX takes the pulse of West Vancouver residents by surveying and reporting the survey results to residents. That is CiviX harvests wisdom from the community. For example, survey results about residents’ opinion about local issues (in the statutory control of the District of West Vancouver Municipal Council) that are important to individuals are reported as aggregate opinions and communicated to Council if appropriate.
CiviX is for prioritizing current residents’ needs ahead of hypothetical future residents.
CiviX is for ensuring new development will not impact residents’ quality of life negatively with increased traffic, gridlock and parking issues. New developments must protect and respect neighbours’ privacy, and access to views and light.
CiviX is for financial prudence by limiting property tax plus utility rate increases to less than the rate of last years inflation and concurrently maintaining all of WestVan’s capital assets. Effective cost management is a priority and that includes optimization of program delivery.
CiviX is for reducing WestVan’s environmental carbon footprint caused by new construction (embodied carbon). One option could require developers to purchase ‘immediate carbon payback’ offsets.
CiviX is for facilitating robust public dialogue and collaborating on the future of WestVan by providing community access to blogs and comments hosted on this site. CiviX aims to provide a safe environment for reading, sharing and commenting on diverse points of view.