Team Vison Team Vison

Deceptive Surveys: District of WestVan staff usually design deceptive surveys that IMPLY that a decision has been made and then ask would you rather have 1/2 glass of milk or full glass of milk?

District West Vancouver deceptive survey practices.

Would you rather have 1/2 glass of milk or a whole glass of milk.

Then concluding, based on the survey results of people who answered that the community is in favour of drinking milk.

The option NEITHER was not presented as a survey option

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Specific Examples of deceptive surveys: Would you rather jump from Second Narrows or Lions Gate bridge?

1. Cypress Village, Eagleridge : British Pacific Properties (BPP) own land in both areas and ALL the land is zones for basically single family residential. Council and British Pacific Properties has been promoting the development of Cypress Village for years. NO residents vote have been done asking if residents support the densification of Cypress Village. Densification is the new in thing with planners. Here is the gist of a survey given by DWV planning:

  • Do you favour BPP giving up 50% of its development rights in Eaglreidge, in exchange for X units at Cypress Village

  • Do you favour BPP giving up 100% of its development rights in Eagleridge, in exchange for 2X units at Cypress Village

There was NO question: Do you favour the densification of Cypress Village by, over time, by about 7,000 people (16% of current WestVan population. Current zoning would permit about 1,000 new people in Cypress Village.

2. Proposed West Vancouver Arts Centre: A 21,000 square foot Arts facility that would be used to house some existing programs and new programs. The construction cost is guesstimated to be $38 million and 10 year maintenance $12 million. This has NOT been approved by council yet.

In a recent survey, DWV asked:

Which location do you prefer for a future Arts & Culture Centre?

The choice was Ambleside Tennis Court or Ambleside Parking lot south of the tennis courts. They then use the fact that people even VOTED to indicate the community support for the Arts Centre

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Team Vison Team Vison

DWV Council Deceptive Practice: Chair schedules meetings and manages speakers so that residents speak last and very late at night.

Deceptive Public Hearing Practice: Let supporters have early times and let non residents speak to use time available for residents. For example, Park Royal additional 10 floors, finished after midnight so Chair could ram though the approval.

The game being played is to let supporters consume time early in the meeting and then if a resident wants to speak they may need to wait until after midnight (Park Royal Example)

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Team Vison Team Vison

DWV Council Deceptive Practice: Stack Public Hearings with supporters both from WestVan and Non Residents.

Deceptive Public Hearing Practice: Stack and prioritize comments by supporters (both residents and non residents). Why do non residents comments even considered?


The game being played by council is to highlight supporters opinions and reduce time available for opponents to speak.

Interrupt opponents and cut their time. Supporters not interrupted and get extra time speaking

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Team Vison Team Vison

2020 Property Tax: WestVan residents said they would support a property tax + utility increase less than 1% — council voted for and approved 4.9% (average home)

2020 Property Tax.

Residents surveyed and asked what tax increase would they support.

Response averaged 1% and WestVan council approved more than 4%

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In 2020 WestVan residents were asked:

WV Council is proposing a 6.11% property tax Increase for 2020 (3 times 2019 inflation rate). In your opinion what should 2020 property tax increase be. Response about 1% and council approved a 4.8% increase

Once again, council ignores wishes of WestVan’s silent majority Residents.

Historically WestVan property tax + utility increases have increased at an unsustainable rate of 3 times the inflation rate. See this illustrated in the below graph.

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Team Vison Team Vison

2021 Property Tax: 87% of WestVan residents said they would support a property tax + utility increase less than 1% — West_Van council voted for and approved 6.2% (average home)

2021 Property Tax: 632 people responded to a question ‘pick a % increase in property taxes+utilities that your would support. 87% of WestVan residents response is they support a tax increase less than 1%

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Below is the link to the 2021 Property Tax survey reporting letter sent to council. Residents would support an average of 1% tax increase and council approved a 6% increase and approved hiring an additional 21 staff (even though population remains unchanged).

Survey of WestVan residents: What percentage property tax plus utility increase would you support for 2021? The answer was 0% and Council approved more than 6.2% [and 2020 inflation was less than 1%].

Historically WestVan property tax + utility increases have increased at an unsustainable rate of 3 times the inflation rate. See this illustrated in the below graph.

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Team Vison Team Vison

Gordon Avenue Subsidized housing development approved by WestVan council even though 87% of residents surveyed opposed using District WestVan land

District of WestVan owns property on Gordon Avenue due north of the recreation centre. The district wanted to re-develop the site and use part of the site for subsidized (below market rental) housing. 82% of survey responses were Opposed the District of WestVan using its resources to provide subsidized housing: Council approved to go to planning phase.

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Here is the link to a reporting letter of the survey results about the use of the site delivered to WestVan council on 11 July 2020.

Again, council voted to proceed in spite of between 78% and 87% of WestVan voters opposing.


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Team Vison Team Vison

Park Royal Gateway - Extra 10 floors — passed by council in spite of a survey result that 96% voted against AND an additional 204 emails sent opposing extra floors

Park Royal Gateway: Developer asked for an additional 10 floors after original approval. Council Approved in spite of 87% of 499 residents surveyed voted NO.

  • in short, collectively council ignores residents wishes

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Below is a link to the copy of a reporting letter sent to the Mayor & Council prior to the (insincere) public hearing.

See letter to council explaining survey results.

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