Deceptive Surveys: District of WestVan staff usually design deceptive surveys that IMPLY that a decision has been made and then ask would you rather have 1/2 glass of milk or full glass of milk?

Civix Image voting survey three boxes plus a pencil .jpg

Specific Examples of deceptive surveys: Would you rather jump from Second Narrows or Lions Gate bridge?

1. Cypress Village, Eagleridge : British Pacific Properties (BPP) own land in both areas and ALL the land is zones for basically single family residential. Council and British Pacific Properties has been promoting the development of Cypress Village for years. NO residents vote have been done asking if residents support the densification of Cypress Village. Densification is the new in thing with planners. Here is the gist of a survey given by DWV planning:

  • Do you favour BPP giving up 50% of its development rights in Eaglreidge, in exchange for X units at Cypress Village

  • Do you favour BPP giving up 100% of its development rights in Eagleridge, in exchange for 2X units at Cypress Village

There was NO question: Do you favour the densification of Cypress Village by, over time, by about 7,000 people (16% of current WestVan population. Current zoning would permit about 1,000 new people in Cypress Village.

2. Proposed West Vancouver Arts Centre: A 21,000 square foot Arts facility that would be used to house some existing programs and new programs. The construction cost is guesstimated to be $38 million and 10 year maintenance $12 million. This has NOT been approved by council yet.

In a recent survey, DWV asked:

Which location do you prefer for a future Arts & Culture Centre?

The choice was Ambleside Tennis Court or Ambleside Parking lot south of the tennis courts. They then use the fact that people even VOTED to indicate the community support for the Arts Centre


Rodgers Creek ??? more info needed


DWV Council Deceptive Practice: Chair schedules meetings and manages speakers so that residents speak last and very late at night.