About: Civix Mission
(Strategically, how will get get from today's culture of Council Centric - Elite Few decision making to Silent Majority decision making... Civix Vision).
Civix needs Resources, Processes and a Focus to achieve its mission:
Resources: Volunteers, Money, software, dedicated supporters
Processes: How we make decisions and how we treat visitors to our site and members.
Focus: What is our obsession? Elect the next Council in West Vanocuver.
Create a new local political party that will, with input from residents, develop a draft Platform which will evolve by facilitating input from the community by way of electronic polling, comments and suggestions documented in a transparent manner. On this site a Civix Blog is used to record all comments and suggestions
Require all candidates that Civix endorses and supports to endorse the Civix platform.
Collectively, create the job description and qualifications of the ideal candidates who will run in the next municipal election in 2022 taking into account:
life experiences
knowledge, skills and abilities
Expertise (like finance, planning, budgeting ..)
Based on this ‘job description’, canvass potential candidates and evaluate and select those candidates who believe in the Civix Platform and are committed to converting WestVan to a semi-direct democracy governance model.
Support each candidate with the objective of electing at least 5 candidates in 2022 who have endorsed the Civix Platform (as it evolves with community input)
About: Civix Vision
(Our Destination or Objective or Goal)